I used three Mandarin orange cardboard boxes for my project.  One larger (29cm X 17.5 cm X 19 cm), and two smaller ones (24.5 cm X 16.5 cm X 17 cm).  The exterior solar oven is kept the same.  The two smaller boxes are given different interior designs, and these interior oven sections are switched back and forth to collect the different data.  Also, I used a recycled steel plate, switching it back and forth inside the smaller boxes while collecting data.

By using an oven inside of an oven there is extra insulation to keep the heat in.

1)Cut holes  10 cm X 15cm in the middle of the lids of each box

2)Put tinfoil---shiny side out---all around inside of two smaller boxes

3)Put tinfoil---shiny side in towards box, around the outside of all three boxes

4)Cover any cracks, seam or holes with foil tape

5)Spray inside of one smaller box with black heatproof paint

6)Use tinfoil tape to tape one layer of clear baking bag over holes cut in all of the lids

7)Cut four pieces of cardboard out
------Two are 5 cm tall and 10 cm long
------Two are 5 cm tall and 15 cm long

8)Cover the pieces of cardboard with tinfoil, shiny side out

9)Attach flaps, standing of edge, around window in lid top of larger box.. 
------Use tinfoil tape to seal edges, and position flaps at an angle to help collect heat

10)To get the four different solar oven interiors run the experiment like this

------------Large box with smaller interior box with shiny interior

------------Large box with smaller interior box with shiny interior/steel plate

------------Large box with smaller interior box with black interior

------------Large box with smaller interior box with black interior/steel plate
